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Buy USD Coin with credit card

Stablecoins are a perfect opportunity for investors who wish to buy crypto, but are afraid of the assets’ volatility. This category of digital money is backed by fiat currencies, precious metals, or other values. USD Coin is the second most popular stablecoin that occupies the 18th position of the general ranking of crypto assets (according to market capitalization volume). Taking into account 24 hours trading volumes, the crypto is among top-15 most traded assets. Investors who wish to buy USD Coin online can get a digital equivalent of the US dollar.

This stablecoin was launched by Circle, the p2p technology company, in 2018. The team has collected US dollars in reserve to maintain launched stablecoins. One USD Coin is backed by one dollar; therefore, cryptocurrencies are correlated with fiat ones.

Crypto is about to commence the true digital revolution. On the one hand, a stablecoin embodies the characteristics of fiat US dollars (except for global implementation as a payment method), while on the other, the digital asset conveys features of digital assets (rapid transactions, minimum fees, etc.) – Coinsbuy offers an investor the chance to buy USD Coin with a credit card to diversify their investing portfolio.

USDCs are launched on the Ethereum blockchain, while the coins correspond to the ERC-20 standard. The assets’ market capitalization exceeds $1.14 billion, while the total amount of coins launched on the market is 1.14 billion USDCs, that means stablecoins are entirely related to fiat US dollars

How can I Buy USD Coin?

Coinsbuy makes crypto investments convenient and secure. Users can open an account and exchange their fiat currencies on crypto. The platform deals with diverse fiat and crypto assets, which means an investor can manage the portfolio, hold, exchange or sell assets.

How to Buy USD Coin with credit card?

The purchasing algorithm comprises the following steps:

Go to the Coinsbuy official website.
Sign up for free, sharing some personal information.
Specify that you wish to buy USD coin with fiat currencies.
Insert the amount of crypto you wish to invest in.
Select the preferred fiat asset among those listed.
Undergo the verification process.
Confirm the deal.

Thus, the purchase process of stablecoin takes an investor just several minutes.

Where to Buy USD Coin?

Traders can purchase USDC on the Coinsbuy platform. This solution has many advantages in comparison with exchanges. Investors experience the lowest prices and have the ability to fund their wallets with a certain amount of stablecoins instantly.

How can I Exchange USD Coin?

Coinsbuy is a platform intended for holding, selling, and exchanging crypto. When a user needs to exchange one asset to another, the best conditions are suggested. Select the digital assets from the list and exchange crypto in several seconds.

How can I sell USD Coin?

When an investor needs to withdraw funds, the following steps are required:

Log in to the platform.
Select USDC and the amount of stablecoins you wish to sell for fiat currencies.
Specify the preferred currency you wish to obtain.
Insert your payment details.
Complete an identity verification.
Confirm the transaction.

Where to Sell USD Coin?

The Coinsbuy platform offers all features at your fingertips so that investors can react immediately to the market changes. Users can access both sell and buy USD Coin with several clicks. The diversity of listed fiat and crypto assets makes this process convenient and secure.

How to Open USD Coin Wallet?

When you need to buy USD Coin with a credit card, open a wallet first to hold and manage purchased stablecoins.

The following steps are required:

Insert your personal information (our platform meets the requirements of financial institutions).
Validate your email and phone number to prove you are a real person.
Undergo an ID verification so you face no limits, while depositing and withdrawing funds.

How to Receive USD Coin?

As well as from the opportunity to buy USD Coin with fiat currencies, users are able to receive stablecoins from different addresses. Sign in your wallet and request the system to generate a unique address. Send the address to the person who is about to refill your account with USDCs or use the address on your own, to move assets from one wallet to another, for instance.

How to Send USD Coin?

Investors who buy USD Coin with a credit card are empowered with the right to use their stablecoins as a payment method. The list of companies adopting the crypto is gradually extending. For instance, you may pay for a hotel booking in more than 230 countries.

Is it Safe to Buy USD Coin?

USDC stablecoins are considered as entirely safe, being backed by fiat US dollars. Coinsbuy provides a user with the ability to buy USD Coin with a credit card instantly. These stablecoins are frequently correlated with tokenized dollars that are not volatile and have all pros of digital assets.

How can I Convert/Exchange USD Coin?

Investors may hold their USDCs or exchange them with other crypto assets. Such a feature is at your fingertips on Coinsbuy. Users can buy USD Coin and other cryptocurrencies. Enter the ‘Exchange’ and create your investment portfolio as you wish.

What is the lowest amount of USD Coin I can buy?

Users can deposit 25 Euros (equivalent in other crypto assets). With regard to USDC stablecoins, the minimum amount of crypto to purchase is 30 USD Coins.

What is the maximum amount of USD Coins I can buy?

Coinsbuy has limits regarding the maximum amount of assets that can be. For instance, the amount of daily transactions is limited to €5000 (5946 USDC), weekly and monthly – to €15000 (17838 USDC). Furthermore, a single transaction is limited to €2000 (2378 USDC).

What is the USD Coin price now?

When a user wishes to buy USD Coin with a credit card, the fiat dollar is the reference point. The current price of the stablecoin is $0.9995 per one coin. As of 2020, the all-time low price was $0.97, while the all-time high reached $1.04.